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  • Jeden Freitag Abend um 19:15 Uhr findet ein Draft aus der aktuellen Edition statt. Mehr unter "Turniere & Events" Ab Bestellwert 200.- gratis Versand!
A Song of Ice and Fire - Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders

A Song of Ice and Fire - Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders

CHF 39.00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tag(e)


  • Expand your army with a unit of the Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders in the competitive tabletop game A Song of Ice & Fire. This unit flanks and attacks unprotected archers
  • Bring the armies from George R.R. Martins books to your game table with A Song of Ice & Fire to your game table and fight for the Iron Throne
  • Measure your tactical skill in this strategic expert game with short battles and massive battles. You can expand any army with this expansion
  • To play this expansion, you will require one of the Stark vs Lennister, The Night Watch, Free Folk, House Baratheon or House Targaryen Starter Sets
  • 2 players, Ages 14+, Up to 45+ minutes of play time per game, German language game.